Thursday, September 20, 2012
Interview part 1

Interview part 2

The mission of the Far Between Project is... "To improve the conversation surrounding homosexuality and Mormonism. We hope to do so by providing first-person accounts of what it’s like to be homosexual and Mormon, tips and tools for how to sustain generative conversations within ourselves, with our loved ones, and in our communities, about how to navigate the tension brought on by the lived experiences of homosexuality and membership in the LDS Church. It is our hope that as we commit to holding space for people’s opinions, beliefs, and life experiences that may differ from our own and put empathy first, we will create safety and peace for all who choose to engage in these important conversations and, in turn, heal hearts, homes, and communities."

When I interviewed for them I had just barely decided I was coming out so Im a little rough and jilty. These two videos are essentially my coming out story in very shortened detail and my thoughts on how to figure out my new world.

This is one of the greatest opportunities that I've ever had. I'll thank Kendall Wilcox every day of my life for this opportunity.

If you EVER feel uncomfortable in your own skin, afraid of who you think you really are, think that God hates you, or fighting off the urges to kill yourself PLEASE contact me. I understand. I will empathize and sympathize and love you. I am always free to talk for something like that. Always.


RogerSanchez11 said...

Wow. The videos were really inspirational. I just heard of The Far Between Project and I believe it will do a lot of good. Being able to hear the stories of others gives strength.
How did you gain the courage to tell your parents? How were you able to overcome the fear? Do you feel you are one with yourself now? Do you think that publicly sharing your story has helped you find yourself ?

Thank you for sharing your story.

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