Tuesday, September 18, 2012


UVU. I loved this school. It was the best 13th grade I ever went to. But that was the problem. It didn't feel like real college. It was very easy. It was very simple. I suppose that's a good thing in some regards but not for me. I want to be challenged and pushed. The Theater program was really nice with some awesome teachers... but I never really found my place there and I felt like they didn't know what to do with me. I was always fighting for some unseen ideal they were going for with me and nothing seemed to work. I was there for 3 years. Long years. Good years. Years full of hard work and passion. I feel no attachment to the place anymore. It felt more like a monetary then a school to me.

Also Utah Valley,
Its a gorgeous place... that they call the bubble. No real culture or sense of depth and incredibly judgmental. What a comfortable place to be though. I loved growing up here. I went to Junior High and High school here. Its time to move on. Its important for people to spread their wings and fly. Katie, my best friend, has been trying to convince me to do this for around a year now and I finally did it... I transfered to the U.

The U is a marvelous place. Large doesn't begin to describe the campus. It is full of opportunities. It is a land of open ideas. Here everyone is totally different and its absolutely OK to be who you are... and part of my journey right now is to become OK with who I am... and I didnt feel like that was possible down in Utah Valley. I kindof feel like I escaped Utah Valley and not just moved away.

The school also has a BFA program. Its very competitive and challenging every day. I love that. Its hard to leave my friend base behind 30-45 away but that can be an adventure all in itself. I love those friends and will always keep them. I love my memories of here and will always keep them. Sorry Utah Valley... our time is done. I cant really find myself surrounded by everything that makes me so comfortable... and yet so wildly uncomfortable at the same time.


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